Sunday, March 9, 2025

“At all times, I have acted in conformity with the laws” Keith Lowenfield

The Chief Election Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield released a press statement addressing Fake news articles.

I have executed my Constitutional Duties as the Chief Election Officer.

“I have noted the contents of an article published in the Friday, June 26, 2020 edition of the Stabroek News under the caption, “Lowenfield report seen as clear act of insubordination.”

The source who articulated that position seem to have only read the Constitution in part conveniently and failed to recognize the sections that dictates the functions of the Chief Election Officer.

While the Commission makes certain policy decisions and provides guidance to the Chief Election Officer for implementation by the Secretariat, I have to execute my duties as a Constitutional Officer, particularly in the conduct of Elections.

The contents of the Stabroek News article suggests that the CEO must only act as the Commission instructs and flout the Constitutional requirements.

At all times, I have acted in conformity with the laws and therefore my action cannot be ‘seen as clear act of insubordination’ as arcticulated in the ill informed Stabroek News article.”

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