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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Canadian-Guyanese Protesters chants “justice for Isaiah and Joel Henry” at Toronto Rally against the heinous acts of Murder & Brutality against Blacks in Guyana

The Guyana National Democratic Council yesterday held a peaceful demonstration titled ‘Equality and Justice’ at the Toronto City Hall, Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto, Canada. This demonstration came about after the recent brutal murder of two teenage boys in Region 5, Berbice Guyana. According to reports, the bodies of Joel and …

Man Brutally Beaten and Chopped to Death

47-year-old taxi Man Brutally Beaten and Chopped to Death, Wife in Custody. Mohamed Haniff of West Coast Berbice succumb to his injuries at the New Amsterdam Hospital while receiving treatment. Three masked men invaded the family’s home, demanded money and attacked Mohamed Haniff. Haniff’s wife is currently under investigation in …

Two Guyanese Involved In Bloody Altercation in Barbados

Two people were injured in a bloody altercation at Sobers Lane in St Michael. One is stable and the other in critical condition following the incident, according to police reports. Police are conducting investigations into a report of a dispute which occurred about 8.35 am on Wednesday (July 8) at a residence located …

Controversial Commonwealth SG Who Is Under Alleged Tender Fraud Investigation Makes Statement on Guyana’s Election

Lady Scotland, the controversial Commonwealth secretary general, who will remain in post until next year, despite Downing Street sowing doubts about her future. Following reports that Boris Johnson had used his role as chair of the Commonwealth organisation to prevent Scotland’s reappointment, she has been given a formal written contract to remain …

GECOM CEO Report Declares APNU/AFC as Winners of Guyana’s 2020 Elections

Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission Keith Lowenfield today submitted a report to the Chair Justice Claudette Singh, with numbers which do not reflect those certified from the recount activity. The Evening News understands that the GECOM Chair has since rejected the report. According to the figures …

Coronavirus Claims Life of NY Based Guyanese School Nurse

As the coronavirus spread in early March, Marilyn Howard worked side-by-side at Spring Street Community School in Brooklyn with a fellow nurse who came in with a fever and bad cough because she had run out of paid sick days. Howard, 53, started feeling sick that weekend, when Mayor de …