Monday, March 10, 2025

Guyanese Businessman Charged In Barbados For Opening Business Twice During Lockdown

Hamenauth Sarnedranauth

Owner of Caribbean Heat, Hamenauth Sarnedranauth, of Tudor Street, St Michael admitted to failing to keep his establishment closed on two occasions – February 14 and 16.

A City surveillance camera from the Royal Barbados Police Force Command Centre showed patrons entering the store and leaving with items, Crown Prosecutor Victoria Taitt told the court. Caribbean Heat was kept under surveillance and the second day the same activities were observed.

Sarnedranauth’s attorney told the chief magistrate that his client had wasted no time in admitting his guilt. He said on the two occasions, “longstanding” customers asked the first-time offender for beers, cokes or cigarettes and he assisted them. The lawyer said his client was extremely remorseful and urged the court to show some leniency by imposing a fine and to give him enough time to pay.

The Chief Magistrate said: “ As serious as we get, the worse we get. You cheated on the 14 and ease in a fella or two and then on the 16th you ease in another fella or two. So pause, stop, none of this means anything to you? I believe every Barbadian should be a patriot to this cause to keep all of us safe. You ain’t do it once, you do it twice.

“Clearly he poses a clear and present danger. A lot of Bajans are not getting it for whatever reason I don’t understand. We moved from seven deaths and we made a jump in a short space of time . . . We will just have to do whatever it takes to be patriots for the cause.

“Can’t be doing that level of recklessness in a country that’s terrified.”

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