Monday, March 10, 2025

NCERD Launched Virtual Training For Parents/Guardians of Students With Special Needs

The National Senior Officer of the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD), Savvie Hopkinson-Hamilton, is currently conducting four-week virtual sessions using sign language on Thursdays and Fridays for persons in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 and surrounding the Georgetown district. 

This virtual training is expected to bridge a gap and reduce difficulties due to the global pandemic, COVID-19. The virtual training started in September 2020 and will end in November 2020. 

“On Thursdays, we have one session at 10 a.m.; then we have one at 5 p.m. that caters to those who usually can’t participate during the day – like parents when they get home from work. They would participate at 5 p.m. and teachers who would work during the day on [virtual] schooling,” said senior officer Savvie Hopkinson-Hamilton.

Hamilton also added that a facilitator from the NCERD Unit will work between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to conduct training on Fridays. The centre also facilitates weekly sign language sessions for questions on improving virtual education, ensuring that it satisfies student needs. 

“The Special Education Needs Officers to work along with the Special Schools, whose teachers are using virtual platforms, handouts, or packages. So, as they work, they come up with ideas on what the needs are,” Ms. Hamilton explained.

The program currently has 70 persons and 13 special needs schools and centres, including David Rose, Sophia, New Amsterdam, and Beterverwagting Special Education Needs Centre. 

Ms. Hamilton confirmed with Guyanapress that the sessions are open to all parents, teachers, and others who are interested. Persons interested in the sessions can contact Savvie Hopkinson-Hamilton at National SEN Officer SEN Unit, NCERD, and on Telephone 227-2865.

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