Monday, March 10, 2025

Opposition Walks Out on Alleged Pedophile Minister Kwame McCoy “My Intelligence Must Be Commended”

Opposition Party Walks Out on Alleged Pedophile Minister McCoy's Budget Presentation

During the Monday 22nd February Budget Debate, members of the opposition decided to walk out on the Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwame McCoy’s presentation before he began, leaving him to make a presentation to empty seats.

McCoy who is no stranger to allegations of misdeeds in the public environment of Guyana said

“My intelligence told me that the APNU/AFC will walk out on me”

In 2009 it was alleged and recorded that McCoy was attempting to solicit sex from an underage schoolboy in which charges were brought against him in court, the following years also recorded multiple allegations of that nature with various underage boys.

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