Party Traitor Returns Home
November 6,2020 – “This is where it happened on December 21, 2018,” said Charrandass Persaud, the former Member of Parliament (MP) of the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) party.
“On December 21,2018..this is where it happened. How can I forget that night????
I am Home an i am Happy and excited to be HOME,” said Charrandass Persaud.

Those are the exact words that were posted on the former Member of Parliament Facebook status. Persaud reflected on the evening he betrayed his party by voting “yes” towards a no-confidence motion that toppled the government.
Persaud rocks Guyana’s politics by joining with the PPP regime, the former opposition party in 2018. The parliamentarian was allegedly escorted to the country’s international airport based on a fear that Guyanese would attack him for throwing the country into political turmoil. Reports indicated that he was accompanied by the Canadian High Commissioner, who stayed with him throughout the immigration process and boarded a flight to Canada.
According to reports, the former parliamentarian with dual citizenship reached out to the Canadian High Commissioner shortly after the vote asking for protection. Persaud refused security that was offered to him by the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan.
After the no-confidence vote, Guyana was never the same. Persaud decided to support the opposition party even though Guyana has a long history of racism amongst Afro and Indo Guyanese. Due to the confidence vote, the country was forced to have new elections.
Elections were held on March 2, 2020, which lasted for four months with many court battles.
During this time, the country continued to divide, and many citizens lost confidence in the country’s electoral system since it only favoured a particular ethnic group. Many citizens protested the Canadian government for allegedly playing a role in the confidence vote by Charrandass Persaud.
Persaud made headlines locally and internationally after the no-confidence vote. He fled Guyana to Canada, claiming that he was fearful for his life. Persaud’s Facebook post indicates that he is happy to be back home. He reminisces on the December 21, 2018, decision and sarcastically said, “How can I forget that night.”
For someone seeking Canada’s protection as a Canadian citizen, Is this the most appropriate thing to do as a Canadian citizen who is undoubtedly in need of protection?
Persaud’s trip to Guyana can be considered a slap in the face of many Guyanese and former administration members.