Police Fire Tear Gas And Pellet Guns At Squatters And Their Children
Squatters yesterday were tear-gassed and fired with pellet guns after a standoff with police and Officials from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) at Success, East Coast Demerara.
Police were called in to control the situation since GUYSUCO was unable to remove the squatters. The company is reviving the estate under the current administration, and the squatters are hampering them from having the ground ready.
“The Corporation is currently in the process of reviving its operations at East Demerara, and the squatting on these lands is hindering the land preparation process.”
Squatters occupying lands at Vryheid’s Lust, Success, and Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara, received warning letters from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) the same day of the standoff.
“Some of these fields have been vandalized by the squatting activities resulting in the destruction and or loss of material developed over a decade of scientific research in variety improvement, therefore setting back the development of better yielding varieties by a number of years,” a statement from GUYSUCO.
According to a previous article written by Stabroek News dated May 19, 2015, the residents were warned by GUYSUCO to remove from the land since before 2015 under the PPP/C administration.
Many children were tear-gassed and shot with pellet guns. The Regional Chair for Region #4 indicates that this is a bad situation. He encouraged the squatters to maintain peace after visiting the location last evening.

“Do not provoke anyone, you’re in the right and should remain in the right.” Daniel Seeram said.
The squatters hope that the government will look into this situation urgently since they have nowhere else to relocate.