Sunday, March 9, 2025

SHOCKING!! New Revelation As National Assembly Speaker “Manzoor Nadir” Says VP Jagdeo Corruption And Bribery Not “Public Importance”

Corruption Rampant Throughout Parliament

The National Assembly’s Speaker, Manzoor Nadir, turned down the opposition leader Aubrey Norton’s request this morning for the House to discuss his motion calling for an international inquiry into the charges of bribery and corruption against Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo.

The Vice President is the target of what Nadir called “media charges.” The Speaker concluded that because the accusations against Mr. Jagdeo are not of immediate public interest, the Parliament cannot discuss the motion during today’s session.

“But applying the two basic principles of urgency and public importance, I do not see the urgency in this. While the issue of corruption is important to all of us, the urgency of the particular allegation, I cannot accept and so I deny this request,” the Speaker said.

In most countries allegations of corruption at its highest levels warrant an investigation, however, the speaker has also canceled any request for parliament to mention Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and allegations of bribery and corruption.

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