Sunday, March 9, 2025

Veteran Guyanese Labour Union Leader Lincoln Lewis Shows Disgust With Barbados PM Statements

PM Mottley violates sacred tenet of her legal profession- called on to harness her behaviour

It is disappointing that none other than the sitting head of CARICOM, a Queen’s Counsel in law, choses to make comments subjudice even as the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) is yet to hear a case brought before it on the recent election. Evidently forces are at work not to have us conclude this election in a lawful and orderly manner.

Guyana continues to struggle to conclude its election amidst legal challenges, international interference as to the credibility of the results, and the most recent ruling by the Appellate Court declaration that only valid votes must be counted.

The Opposition has approached the CCJ to pronounce on the Court of Appeal decisions. It is their right to so do. They and the respondents are entitled to due process to aid closure in our election and this must be respected. Guyana is no less deserving than any CARICOM member-state or any member within our diplomatic community fold to seek resolution through judicial process.

All parties in Guyana, inclusive of government, are entitled to pursue legal justice.

Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados, by speaking to an issue before the court, in violation of the sacred tenet of her profession, has sought to compromise herself and the process.

In this regard she is either deliberately setting out to influence judicial ruling or public opinion. Some may consider her interference as an insight to her judicial integrity and an impartial leader in CARICOM when such leadership is required.

This is not the first instance, since Guyana’s electoral struggle, that Ms. Mottley has put her foot in her mouth. The last time she displayed contempt for a Guyanese right to judicial recourse she completely ignored that the first CARICOM team played a part in seeking legal review as to the scope of their mandate in the recount exercise.

The Prime Minister has a tendency for speaking out of turn. I don’t have to be diplomatic in telling her to harness her mouth. If she or any other considers this to be rude, disrespectful and out of order I am saying in advance she is reaping what she sows.

When the election is over Guyana can survive without CARICOM, Barbados cannot. This statement is made in light of prior threat of former CARICOM leaders that Guyana can be expelled from CARICOM and other international organisations.

The disrespect of Prime Minister Mottley, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves or any other Caribbean leader will not be tolerated by Guyanese. Not at this juncture. We will not tolerate this political interference, diplomatic bullyism and our right to resolve our conflicts judicially.

We remind Prime Minister Mottley that though she feels safe today secured in her office she, like Prime Minister Gonsalves also faces political opposition. Whereas her government functions with a pseudo parliamentary opposition, Guyana is a true democracy where people have choice of leadership and are not subjected to one-party rule as she presides over.

Guyanese have choices. We have a genuine opposition and genuine government collectively representing the people of this country.
I hope Barbadians are taking note as to where their leader stands with regards to justice through the court.

Lincoln Lewis.

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