
Monday, March 10, 2025


President Of The United States On His Way To The Walter Reed Medical Center

According to the White House, President Donald Trump is being transferred to the Walter Reed Medical Center for a “few days” after receiving the COVID-19 results. Mr. Trump was feeling “fatigue” throughout today, Friday, October 2, 2020. “President Trump remains in good spirits, has mild symptoms, and has been working …


Strengthening Business Relations With Guyana…Lilian Chatterjee

The High Commissioner of Canada, Lilian Chatterjee finally met with Guyana’s foreign minister Hugh Todd, to discuss Canada’s commitment to Guyana. After the election where Chatterjee was an active voice towards democracy, requesting that the former president Brigadier David Granger accept defeat, the commissioner finally communicated with the current administration …

Guyana Airport To Be Reopen October 12…COVID-19 Cases On The Rise

Amidst the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Guyana’s government is looking to reopen the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on October 12, 2020.  According to the Public Works Minister, Juan Edghill, “the Cabinet had decided to reopen the country’s airports and will form part of the new changes expected …

Squatting – An Embarrassing Problem In Guyana

The housing situation in Guyana is ridiculously embarrassing, and addressing the squatting problem has been long overdue. It’s beyond sickening to see citizens bulldozed, tear-gassed, and shot with pellets guns.  The former president once said that “Guyana land space can serve as a gift to the Caribbean,” because of its …

Police Fire Tear Gas And Pellet Guns At Squatters And Their Children

Squatters yesterday were tear-gassed and fired with pellet guns after a standoff with police and Officials from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) at Success, East Coast Demerara. Police were called in to control the situation since GUYSUCO was unable to remove the squatters. The company is reviving the estate under …

No Trinidad Carnival in 2021?…Prime Minister Hints

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley signaled that his administration might cancel Trinidad 2021 Carnival due to the COVID-19 impact on the twin-island. “In 72 hours, we will be in October, and if at this time in October we are still in the throes of a pandemic, it would be madness …