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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Latest News

saipen guyana

Italian Company “Saipem” Get Billion Dollar US Oil Contract In Guyana Whilst Guyanese Companies Yet To See A Penny

Italian energy services group Saipem said on Tuesday it had won two offshore contracts in Australia and Guyana for a total amount of $1.1 billion. Saipem received the second contract from ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Exploration and Production Guyana (EEPGL) for the Yellowtail development project, located in the Stabroek block, offshore …

Irfaan ali Guyana press china

Guyana’s Oil Money Will Go To China As Government Take Billions In Loan, China Has 25% Stake In Guyana’s Oil Production

The Guyanese government’s announcement that it is contracting with China Railway Group to build and fund the Amaila Falls hydroelectric project, and possibly take out as much as $1.5 billion in loans for China-built infrastructure, symbolizes the renewed takeoff of Chinese projects and PRC influence in Guyana.  An earlier version of the Amaila Falls …

Cocaine in rum Guyana press

Dutch Customs Seize Half Ton Cocaine In Eldorado Rum, Guyana Exporting More Cocaine Than Oil Under PPP Administration

In addition to the spiraling out-of-control crime rate in Guyana, criminals are now taking advantage of the People’s Progressive Party government’s “don’t ask, won’t tell” stance on the illegal drug trade. On Thursday, the Customs department of the Netherlands found a consignment of cocaine weighing 530 kilos in a sea …