Monday, March 10, 2025

Minister Ramson Budget Projects Based on Hollywood, Last Week “Hunger Games”, This Week “Shark Tank”

shark tank guyana press

Less than two weeks ago, young Minister Charles Ramson Jr. along with Irfaan Ali and Anil Nandlall announced to residents in Buxton that they will have to compete for projects in what was deemed “The Hunger Games” of Guyana, this week Guyanese youth will have to compete in the “Shark Tank”.


“So, what we have also done as well is we are trying a ‘Shark Tank’ event or show into the development of this Youth Innovation Project. So, even though it will have a be a ‘stand-alone’ some of that, or a portion of that will be tied into our ‘Shark Tank’ event or enlist our ‘Shark Tank’ event,” said Charles Ramson Jr.

Shark Tank is yet another reality television show that young Charles Ramson saw where entrepreneurs make business presentations to a panel of five investors or “sharks,” who decide whether to invest in their company.

It is increasingly clear that Minister Ramson is shaping the lives of Guyanese and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport after Hollywood and fictional TV shows.

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